Announcing the News To My Mother, Nana and Stepfather

When one becomes pregnant after everything I've gone through, you often think of creative ways to announce you're pregnant to everyone. I figured I was going down to Florida for Thanksgiving, and that if I had shown up with a baby the following year, that my mother and grandmother would be very confused, so I had to think of a creative way to tell her.

I knew my mother liked crossword puzzles, and so I created a crossword puzzle for her to fill in, and then got her a box with baby shoes in it. Here is a photo of both:


Grandma and Grandpa:
Please keep these booties safe
I will need them back in June!

What?? You're really pregnant? I'm gonna be a grandmother again?

Ma Look...
Franky Guess what? you're gonna be a papa again!

(Side Note: I wish I would have video taped her reaction but photos are just as awesome)


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