Provera.... Again....

So, I didn't get pregnant. Surprise surprise. But my period decided it also was not going to show its ugly face. 
So I am on Provera again.
The doctor said the purpose is to jump start my cycle because this month were going to do our first round of IUI. 
I'm nervous but excited. 
This quarentine has my emotions all over the place. 
I've been sleeping ALOT and was secretly hoping that I was pregnant but my body decided not this month. 
So I'll do ten days of Provera and then assumably day one I'll call their office to schedule the Femara and then the IUI. 
I'll know more once my period decides to show up. 

Heartbreaking Results...

I look into this mans eyes and I fall more in love with him.
He doesn't do anything special, or in particular. He's just... him

I saw this man break yesterday and it hurt to watch.
So often we talk about mental health as a stigma...
What about our partners mental health?
We often get so wrapped up in our busy lives, that we forget to check "hey are you ok"?

Yesterday ... Yesterday I saw this man break and shatter into pieces.
The results of the SA (semen analysis) were that his sperm count was low, and that he has disfigured, demented sperm, likely due to the energy drinks he drinks once a day.

He broke. He broke and shattered. He needed to take space to regroup himself.

We don't often talk about our significant others infertility issues. 
Because most people use that as a stigma too.
Guys can't have infertility.

They can too.
Its just not as talked about, and they are left to feel alone and isolated.
Check in with your spouse and see how theyre doing.
Make sure theyre not feeling alone, isolated and trapped.
They matter too.

So... whats next?

For me: Vitamin D3 50,000 IU once a week for 7 weeks.
Synthroid 150mcg (this is increased from my 112mcg) for Hypothyroidism (he said I had subclinical hypothyroid) 
Provera if a negative home pregnancy test by 3/25 to start my period.

For him:
Stop the energy drinks

IUI (Artificial Insemination) for 3 cycles.

I will go on Femara 7.5mg to force myself into ovulating.
When ovulation is confirmed, We will schedule IUI.

IUI is used for those with low sperm count, motility, or other issues.
Basically, they wash your sperm and then insert it into you with a catheter to give a chance at pregnancy.

The doctor says that its a 7% chance over 3 cycles, with a chance at being pregnant by time 3, at 25%.

Prayer Warriors, pray for us. We're going to need it for this.

Infertility sucks! Both male, and female!

I found this image, and I can really relate to it.

Pretty relevant right now.

A bit of an update....

I am a bit past due with this update but I figured I would be able to do it now for my readers to know what's been going on...

January was a really rough month for my family and I and I didn't ovulate. I won't lie I was quite bummed out about that. Especially using all the methods I have been using. (OPKS Ovusense Mira and BBT) 

I didn't ovulate in February either. I also didn't have a period and so Dr. Nash prescribed me Provera.

I took Provera for 10 days but strangely by the 5th day my period started on its own.

Andrew did his semen analysis. We get the results for that soon and I'll post an updated blog once they're in. 

I also got my HSG or 'Bubble Test' as they call it and it looked wonderful. So everything is normal there.

After Andrews results come in, I meet with Dr. Nash again and will post another update with regards to the plan.