NOT Pregnant


You remember how last time I blogged, I wrote about how I was looking forward to staying busy during the two-week wait, but how I also wasn't feeling super optimistic?

Theres a reason for that. Reasons like today. When Aunt Flow decides to come into town by herself, riding on that horse, EARLY and without the need for provera, and when I was least expecting it.

My fiancee and I were being intimate, and well, what do you know. Aunt Flow decided it was a perfect time to visit.



Nothing about this journey DOESNT suck.

But, month after month, treatment after treatment. Hope after hope

And you get crushed again.

Because today is Day 1, I have to call RGI and let them know, so that they can schedule labs, confirm I am not pregnant, and give me another script for Femara to *hopefully* get pregnant.

We shall see.

But until then, I REALLY RELATE to this image.

Mr. Spermies are even like WTF!


Surviving the Two Week Wait



Have you ever wanted something so bad, but you need to keep your mind off of it? 

Yeah, that's pretty much how we feel right now.

Because Ovidrel has HCG in it, we are not allowed to test until 2 weeks after IUI

They call this the dreaded two week wait, and let me just say, IT REALLY IS!

The symptoms of Ovidrel are literally identical to pregnancy. 

Andddd that doesn't count your temptation to test either.

We decided, for fourth of July that we would go to Texas to visit my best friend, Bella and her kids. 

After all, it had been a few years (at-least 3 maybe 4) since I've seen her.

And we had the time of our life.

And mannnnn can Bella cook! Her potatoe salad is my favorite.

It was a good time killer, and a distraction from our two-week wait.





IUI Cycle 1 - June 2020



Pretty sure we're all over it, right?

It went and messed everything up.

Kids got out of school, and did remote learning...

Daycares closed. Jobs closed. Business closed.

The entire economy shut down, because of a pandemic caused by a virus.

Good Times. Bad Times. Fun Times. Sad Times.

Kids home 24/7, parents ripping their hair off their head. 

Couples nagging and fighting with one another.

You're over it. I'm over it. Pretty sure everyone is over it.

Well, good news...

RGI Opened back up on May 5th 2020!

I didn't get my period at all during the month of May which is sucky.

I needed to undergo another round of Provera to bring on a period.

Which sucked!

I started Provera also known as Medroxyprogesterone on 5/22/2020

They say it can take anywhere from 3-10 days after you finish the last tablet for your period a.k.a AF or Aunt Flo to come for a visit.

Mine started on June 13th.

So, the way that this process works is on Day 1, you call the clinic and tell them you are on your period.

They have up to day 5 to do a baseline ultrasound, which is just to look and check to make sure everything is good for a cycle. 

They generally will also do a quantitative HCG to make sure you're not pregnant. For me, they throw a thyroid test in there, because my thyroid is all wacky.

Then they send you home with Femara, or Letrozole.

You take this medicine from Cycle Day 5 to Cycle Day 9, at the same time every single day.

The job of this medicine is to induce ovulation.

Than, you come back on Day 13 or 14 to have an ultrasound to measure the follicles. They generally like to see them larger than 18mm

The Appointment Card for the U/S to
see if Femara worked and I could Trigger
What Ovidrel Looks Like
If you have follicles larger than 18mm, you end up being given a "Trigger" or a shot of HCG. For us, it was a shot of Ovidril.


The doctors office takes care of the Trigger Shot by sending the order to a specialty pharmacy, who then ships you the shot, after payment is made. You have to bring the trigger with you to the office visit, when you have an ultrasound.

The Specialty Pharmacy Who Got My Order

Honestly, Ovidril hurt way less than I thought it would, but I'm a pro at Lovonox, and other injection meds by now.
1 day later, is the big IUI day.

Fiancee had to drop his sperm off bright and early.

The IUI was quick and easy. I was literally in and out by 9am.

My Dr, Dr. Nash, said that the amount of sperm given was the bare minimum for IUI, and he only had 5,000

I'm not super optimistic about it due to that, and the fact that I only released 1 follicle


Now we have the dreaded 2 week wait ahead of us to see what happens....

It should be easy for us, because we're going to be busy with life, and for the fourth of July, we're going to Texas to visit my best friend, Jessica aka Bella.





The Story Goes...

He: "Hey Babe, we're doing a mothers day photo-shoot this Saturday"
Me: "Oh we are? yay"
(I do mothers day photos every year and he wanted me to think this because of me questioning why our family photographer was there)

Day of May 2 2020:

*goes to headlands beach*
Photographer (Bobbi Frohman in this case): Hey April, walk over there for me.
Me: Ok *turns around and heads up path on beach*
Photographer: Okay now turn around
Me: *turns around*
Really?!?!?!?! REALLY?!?!
*covers face with so many emotions as face persists to get redder*
*Andrew proposes*
'We've had a crazy year...."
... ... .....
"I want to know if you, April Marie Driesse will marry me"
YES! YES I'll marry you

And of course our lovely amazing family photographer captured this very special moment for us. She is also going to capture our special day! Thank you so much Bobbi for capturing these photos and the moment for us!


Save the Date....
Saturday July 10th, 2021

That is when we are getting married :)

I'm so happy I get to marry my best friend and go on these journeys with him!

Coronavirus & IUI Cancelled....

Coronavirus has essentially shut this country down. 

Here in Ohio, we've been on Stay at Home Orders since March 22, 2020. The governor announced that on May 1, 2020, that we would be opening Ohio again in phases. 

I started provera on 3/23, without realizing that this cycle would be entirely a fluke.

Everyone has been wearing face masks everywhere, and they've set these precautions up but I feel like this should already be common sense. Does everyone not wash their hands regularly? Because if not, GROSS! They taught us this in kindergarten. Cmon guys!

Maybe its just me being grouchy, because my IUI got cancelled. 
My IUI got cancelled because the recommendations by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
I cant say I didn't see it happening because I saw it talked about in a few groups. I was just excited, because after the Provera on 3/23, my period came 4/9 through 4/12. ATLEAST it was not 15 days of bleeding again...


Is where you can see the current guidelines, but in a nutshell it says:

At this time, the ASRM Coronavirus/COVID-19 Task Force affirms all of the stated recommendations of March 17, 2020 as timely and appropriate, including:

  1. Suspend initiation of new treatment cycles, including ovulation induction, intrauterine inseminations (IUIs), in vitro fertilization (IVF) including retrievals and frozen embryo transfers, as well as non-urgent gamete cryopreservation.
  2. Strongly consider cancellation of all embryo transfers whether fresh or frozen.
  3. Continue to care for patients who are currently “in-cycle” or who require urgent stimulation and cryopreservation.
  4. Suspend elective surgeries and non-urgent diagnostic procedures.
  5. Minimize in-person interactions and increase utilization of telehealth

    So.... we wait. Patiently

    My next cycle *SHOULD* start May 10-12th, but I am secretly hoping that we got pregnant this cycle, since we've been baby dancing almost every day since after my period ended.

    If that does not happen, they will likely start the process all over again...

    which will be:

    - Provera to induce period
    - CD1 call the office
    - Baseline Ultrasound Prior to Day 5
    - Femara for Days 5-10
    - Return Day 12 for another ultrasound
    (Bring the HCG Trigger to that appointment and trigger)
    - IUI Day For the following day or 2 days
    - Wait 2 weeks to see if it worked

Provera.... Again....

So, I didn't get pregnant. Surprise surprise. But my period decided it also was not going to show its ugly face. 
So I am on Provera again.
The doctor said the purpose is to jump start my cycle because this month were going to do our first round of IUI. 
I'm nervous but excited. 
This quarentine has my emotions all over the place. 
I've been sleeping ALOT and was secretly hoping that I was pregnant but my body decided not this month. 
So I'll do ten days of Provera and then assumably day one I'll call their office to schedule the Femara and then the IUI. 
I'll know more once my period decides to show up. 

Heartbreaking Results...

I look into this mans eyes and I fall more in love with him.
He doesn't do anything special, or in particular. He's just... him

I saw this man break yesterday and it hurt to watch.
So often we talk about mental health as a stigma...
What about our partners mental health?
We often get so wrapped up in our busy lives, that we forget to check "hey are you ok"?

Yesterday ... Yesterday I saw this man break and shatter into pieces.
The results of the SA (semen analysis) were that his sperm count was low, and that he has disfigured, demented sperm, likely due to the energy drinks he drinks once a day.

He broke. He broke and shattered. He needed to take space to regroup himself.

We don't often talk about our significant others infertility issues. 
Because most people use that as a stigma too.
Guys can't have infertility.

They can too.
Its just not as talked about, and they are left to feel alone and isolated.
Check in with your spouse and see how theyre doing.
Make sure theyre not feeling alone, isolated and trapped.
They matter too.

So... whats next?

For me: Vitamin D3 50,000 IU once a week for 7 weeks.
Synthroid 150mcg (this is increased from my 112mcg) for Hypothyroidism (he said I had subclinical hypothyroid) 
Provera if a negative home pregnancy test by 3/25 to start my period.

For him:
Stop the energy drinks

IUI (Artificial Insemination) for 3 cycles.

I will go on Femara 7.5mg to force myself into ovulating.
When ovulation is confirmed, We will schedule IUI.

IUI is used for those with low sperm count, motility, or other issues.
Basically, they wash your sperm and then insert it into you with a catheter to give a chance at pregnancy.

The doctor says that its a 7% chance over 3 cycles, with a chance at being pregnant by time 3, at 25%.

Prayer Warriors, pray for us. We're going to need it for this.

Infertility sucks! Both male, and female!

I found this image, and I can really relate to it.

Pretty relevant right now.

A bit of an update....

I am a bit past due with this update but I figured I would be able to do it now for my readers to know what's been going on...

January was a really rough month for my family and I and I didn't ovulate. I won't lie I was quite bummed out about that. Especially using all the methods I have been using. (OPKS Ovusense Mira and BBT) 

I didn't ovulate in February either. I also didn't have a period and so Dr. Nash prescribed me Provera.

I took Provera for 10 days but strangely by the 5th day my period started on its own.

Andrew did his semen analysis. We get the results for that soon and I'll post an updated blog once they're in. 

I also got my HSG or 'Bubble Test' as they call it and it looked wonderful. So everything is normal there.

After Andrews results come in, I meet with Dr. Nash again and will post another update with regards to the plan. 

OPKS, Proov, Ovusense and Mira... OH my!

There are so many options available out there now for TTCers. Talk about modern advantages and advancements. Holy cow!

For us seasoned TTCers and Fertility Mama's we obviously know the good old fashioned methods of BBT Temping and Cervical Position and Cervical Mucus and OPKS. 

Now there are these other cute little things. 

Proov is a progesterone test that can be done at home with your first morning urine 2-7 days after your peak detected with OPKS. Gone are the days where you have to go into your Fertility Doc or OBGYN for confirmation you indeed ovulated with 21day progesterone tests. You can do it at home now!

Ovusense or Mr. Spermy as I call mine, is a device that you insert when you're not on your period or having sex and you keep it inside you overnight. It works by measuring Core temp for your BBT. 

Mira is this new type of LH testing that I came across. It uses AI to learn your body's methods and detect ovulation easier. 

Moisey is another option prior to IUI for at home insemination. 

Like where were these options years ago? Hello. Us Fertility vets are who create them. Making it easier to TTC!

Anyway...  Here are a few of my charts 

This is my good old trusty Fertility Friend. I've been using it for years. It's my BBT chart. I take my temperature vaginally before I even get up and put my feet on the floor in the AM. 

This is what Ovusense charts look like. It takes your temp from Mr. Spermy overnight and downloads it and puts it in the chart. It learns your methods after 2 cycles and is able to accurately and reliably determine ovulation. 

Then there's OPKs...

As you can see there are some days that are closer than the other. I still don't have my peak yet :(

And then there's Mira


Unfortunately I'm used to not peaking due to my pcos and my history of annovulation. That is periods without ovulating. You can have it go both ways. Ovulate without a period which is how my son got here. Or period without ovulation.

Then there's Mira. I have not gotten my Mira yet but I'm excited to start using it. It looks very promising. 

I'm expecting to not fall pregnant this cycle. I'm sad. But I expected it honestly. But being intimate with Andrew has been fun haha 

And trust me... It WAS fun 😍🤣 ;)