OPKS, Proov, Ovusense and Mira... OH my!

There are so many options available out there now for TTCers. Talk about modern advantages and advancements. Holy cow!

For us seasoned TTCers and Fertility Mama's we obviously know the good old fashioned methods of BBT Temping and Cervical Position and Cervical Mucus and OPKS. 

Now there are these other cute little things. 

Proov is a progesterone test that can be done at home with your first morning urine 2-7 days after your peak detected with OPKS. Gone are the days where you have to go into your Fertility Doc or OBGYN for confirmation you indeed ovulated with 21day progesterone tests. You can do it at home now!

Ovusense or Mr. Spermy as I call mine, is a device that you insert when you're not on your period or having sex and you keep it inside you overnight. It works by measuring Core temp for your BBT. 

Mira is this new type of LH testing that I came across. It uses AI to learn your body's methods and detect ovulation easier. 

Moisey is another option prior to IUI for at home insemination. 

Like where were these options years ago? Hello. Us Fertility vets are who create them. Making it easier to TTC!

Anyway...  Here are a few of my charts 

This is my good old trusty Fertility Friend. I've been using it for years. It's my BBT chart. I take my temperature vaginally before I even get up and put my feet on the floor in the AM. 

This is what Ovusense charts look like. It takes your temp from Mr. Spermy overnight and downloads it and puts it in the chart. It learns your methods after 2 cycles and is able to accurately and reliably determine ovulation. 

Then there's OPKs...

As you can see there are some days that are closer than the other. I still don't have my peak yet :(

And then there's Mira


Unfortunately I'm used to not peaking due to my pcos and my history of annovulation. That is periods without ovulating. You can have it go both ways. Ovulate without a period which is how my son got here. Or period without ovulation.

Then there's Mira. I have not gotten my Mira yet but I'm excited to start using it. It looks very promising. 

I'm expecting to not fall pregnant this cycle. I'm sad. But I expected it honestly. But being intimate with Andrew has been fun haha 

And trust me... It WAS fun 😍🤣 ;) 


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