IUD Removal & Whats Next?

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Honestly, that was not that bad.
It was quick and easy.
I cramped a little bit, but it was nothing I was not used to.
I was very surprised with how small these devices really are.

Whats Next?

This is how small a Mirena IUD is.
Well, since we already stopped the Arava, and Methotrexate 3 months ago, and I have already completed a preconception appointment with Dr. Perni to come up with a plan for pregnancy, we have a general idea what the next steps are for us.

We have a Fertility Appt on January 3rd 2020, with Dr. Nash at Reproductive Gynecology and Infertility in Akron, and he will be requesting that Andrew get a Sperm Analysis, and likely will want me to get an HSG, but after that, I forsee him RXing me Femara and Gonal-F, since this is what worked with my son. We need to discuss with him the possibility of conceiving naturally with Gonal-F and Femara, or if we should realistically consider IVF. We will also need to talk to him about PIGD (pre implantation genetic diagnosis) which is something our MFM agrees we should get, and she also agrees that when we are pregnant we should get MaterniT21, and an Amniocentesis.

The current plan is:

Follow Dr. Nash' recommendation. He will transfer care to Dr. Perni at 13 weeks. As far as meds go:
Progesterone in Oil until 13 weeks
Cortef, Florinef and Prednisone for management of my Addisons.
Synthroid for management of my Hashimotos.
Metformin 1000mg X2 for my Type 2 Diabetes
Lovonox 40mg X2 Daily, to prevent complications with Factor V Leiden and my history of DVT/PE
Makena Injection at 18 weeks to prevent pre-term labor.
Novolog 70/30 and Lantus during pregnancy since Bydureon is not safe.
Ixinity 1500 IU for delivery to prevent hemmoraging, and taken for 6 weeks postpartum with Lovonox.

Endocrinology wants to see me in March. Rheumatology in April. Pain Management as needed. Neurology in February. Hematology has been seeing me monthly, so once I am pregnant we will plan what to do with Dr. Escuro and Dr. Samaras.

Endocrinology has recommended I start on DHEA  which also studies show help improve pregnancy loss risk. I have severely low DHEA levels due to my addisons, and low DHEA causes a whole boat load of problems.

Dr Perni wants to Plan to induce, and do biophysical profiles, fetal echo cardiology, amnio and MaterniT21. She also wants Andrew to get Genetic Carrier Testing done to ensure that he does not carry anything in his family history that he is not aware of.

As far as our plan?

We're going to just try, and have fun. Not try, not prevent. But have tons of fun.
I am using many methods. I have OPKs, Pregnancy Tests, Proov to check for progesterone level, I am using OvuSense to try to detect my BBT more reliably, and also try to see if I ovulate, and we are also charting. We are going to be using Fertility Tea, and Pre-Seed as well, so that we can have more fun "exploring" one another, and enjoying our intimacy.

We're hoping and praying that it happens in 2020, and that it will be without heartbreak, or loss.

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Today's the Day....

Today's The Big Day.
Thurs Dec 19th 2019.

I'm getting my IUD removed today... for a few reasons actually...

The first is that this IUD expires in March 2020, and we don't want to pay $400 to get it taken out, when we have our deductible met now.

The second is because I still get 25 day cycles of bleeding on it, so its not doing anything for my periods or pain management.

The third is so that Andrew and I can start trying for a family of our own.
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After seeing him last night with my best friends 2 month old, my heart melted into a big puddle of an emotional mess. 

He was like 'I want to hold the baby' as she fell asleep on him and we were like awwww and I proceeded to melt. He does these adorable little things and every time I'm like Awww. 

There's something about the man you love raising children that just makes your heart so overjoyed it melts. Seeing him as a dad with my two kids, and others Little's makes me fall harder for him every time. He's raising my two kids together with me, and co-parenting with their dads and he's just so perfect for me and us.

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My heart is overjoyed and can't wait. I know the last time I went through this process it was a lot of heartbreak and alot of pain and a very long five years. So I'm nervous. But I'm feeling okay with this. I'm feeling okay because we have a plan and know what to expect as well as we possibly can. We did all the Preconception stuff before this appointment and so I feel like we have a good feel for this. 

When I reminded Andrew that today was the day, he replied with 'I know. It just means that we can start trying and have more fun with it all' and he laughed. 

I seriously love this man. He's so.... Perfect for me. He's perfect with Lucius and Gabby. I just adore him.

I'll update after my appointment with how things went.

Pre-Conception Consultation

Today, Andrew and I had our pre-conception consultation with my MFM, Doctor Perni, to discuss the likelihood and recommendations for future pregnancy. I was very impressed with the appointment, and the support that Dr. Raymond, Dr. Perni, Dr. Nash and all my specialists are having, is phenomenal.

Here were her reccomendations

I am feeling excited, and nervous to start this experience again. I am concerned about the trauma and past pregnancies and that it may make things difficult, but I am trying to not think about it. Andrew says he is definately all in with this, plans to marry me, spend forever with me, but that due to my past history of trauma and abuse in relationships, he has an uphill battle. He reminds me that were in this together, and he loves me.

I was started on a pre-natal, called NeevoDHA today, and will take it every day and throughout pregnancy.

I am praying that 2020 brings us no heartbreak. I am secretly praying that God hear my prayer, and grant me twins. A little boy and little girl. Gabby wants a baby sister. Andrew wants a girl for daddy's little girl. I personally love boys, and raising Lucius has been so easy. That way, I can be done having children for good, and get my total hysterectomy from Dr. Sinervo at the CEC, as I have always wanted 4 kids. We shall see what God has in store for us.