MFM Visit - March 22 2017

 I had been craving excessive amounts of ice, and was going through a 7lb bag in a week, I also had weird cravings for excess garlic salt, and so there was concern of vitamin deficiencies, and/or Addisons steroid adjustment needed. Labs were ran, and it was determined I was EXTREMELY iron deficient. By Extremely, I mean I was at a 4, and normal levels are 41-186, and my Ferritin was also very low. My Vitamin B12 was borderline low, my Vitamin B6 was low. It was determined to start me on immediate iron therapy, ferrous sulfate, 325mg twice a day, in addition to my prenatals, and also IV Iron Infusions. This is going to be fun, NOT! Iron in this amount makes you EXTREMELY constipated and so Miralax and I will become best friends.


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