Healing and a Letter to my Unborn...

I’m starting to heal… slowly, but it still hurts.
I feel shattered. I lost Drew, not once, but twice. I am now losing our baby.

The harsh reality is hitting me. What once was, and what once seemed to be perfect, is no longer…
It is just a shattered memory… a very distant star… a painful memory…

Two days ago, my best friend Bella gave me a challenge… and I am going to take her challenge and accept it seriously… the challenge was to take 90 days to make myself better… 90 days single. 90 days to focus on me, and build myself back up, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

90 days would be Wednesday April 16th 2014. I look forward to seeing myself heal in this time.
I’m healing. I’m trying to get Drew out of my head. I’m giving him his space. I’m not text messaging him. I’m tempted to text message him, but I can’t.

I am avoiding triggers. I’ve joined a Co-Dependence Anonymous group. I’m going to grow spiritually in the next 90 days with God, and become closer to him. I’m going to better me.
I know it is easier said than done, but I want to be able to smile, look back, heal, and tell myself that someday, someone will love me for who I am. That I don’t need anyone. That I can love myself, and that I am happy with myself.

I’m going to take this time to heal myself, work on me. I’m going to lose weight, and get back into shape. Join a gym, spend more time with my daughter… and just enjoy life..
I may have fallen apart, but I am slowly getting back up and walking again. It stings more some days than others. It hurts more some days than others, but as the day goes on, as time goes on, Drew becomes a distant imaginary friend. Something to laugh at once upon a time. Something that is a memory and someone that is making me better… 

Because of Drew, and loosing this child, I realized I need a lot to work on me… Because of Drew, I realized that I have a lot to work on. Because of the pain Drew put me through, I realized that I need to stop being so vulnerable, and stop being so naïve. Because of Drew, I realized that taking chances often leads to crashing and burning. I need to learn not to trust and love so easily… 

I’ve accepted because of Drew that it is okay to admit needing help, and it is okay to hurt, and move on, at your own place, slowly. I realized that it is okay to sting, burn, and hurt, and that I accepted that things will never change… I accepted that I will always love him, and he will always have a tiny piece of my heart, but that I don’t think he will ever be able to have me trust him the same again, or love him again the same. I’ve accepted what is. I accepted I cannot change this, and that I have to move on, but that I am able to, and can do it. I fell apart, but I am getting back up again… and I am becoming stronger than ever… 

So I guess I owe Drew a thank you, in some ways more than other. Thank you Drew for breaking me down, hurting me in a way I didn’t think was possible to do, just so I can build myself back up again. I may not be happy with you right now, and may be upset with you right now, but it won’t always be that way…

And to my baby… Baby Dominic Andrew Doyle… I loved you more than words can say. I wanted you more than you know. And I was happy to have known you for the twelve days that I did… I am so sorry mommies body couldn’t handle carrying you… and I am so sorry that you had to leave this world so early but you brought me so much joy, and you will never be forgotten, and you will be among all your other sisters and brothers in heaven playing, watching over Gabby and Mommy, and Drew, and smiling… I am so glad that I knew you for twelve days… And may you rest and pass in peace…

Forever in my heart…
Ovulation Date: December 25th 2013
Positive Pregnancy Test: January 5th 2014
Confirmed Pregnancy: January 7th 2014
Miscarriage/Death Date/Celebration of your short life: January 17th 2014


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