Consult With Dr. Nash at Akron RGI!!!

I had my consult today for becoming a SMBC.

I went in expecting the doctor to turn me away.

He didn’t do that. He reviewed my history with me. He wanted me to know it will not be easy and there are some steps that have to be taken. 

He talked with me and said that if the ultrasound comes back good (it did) and the labs come back good (which they should) than he sees no reason why I can’t remove my IUD and start the process for trying for my final child with a donor despite all my health issues. 

He even said I could start trying immediately.

This was photos from my ultrasound. I am excited.

My First 5K!

Today, I ran my FIRST EVER 5K! And I completed it! I feel like this is such an accomplishment for me, and I did it with my daughter! She ran it in 32 minutes. I ran it in 63. Here are some photos for yaal.

It has inspired me to want to run in May at JustRun with her! I hope to beat my time next year if I do decide to run! 

(I ran track in high school. I did the 100 meter and the 200 meter. I also was on swim team, but I injured my knees and that stopped me from being athletic)

SMBC (Single Mother By Choice)

So, I’ve been researching my options for having my final child, to complete my family. I know that I do not want to have children after the age of 35, because I am already super high risk, and after 35, you become a “geriatric” pregnancy, and become high risk, so I’d be super duper high risk.

So, I’ve been doing some research, because I feel my time clock is ticking.

I came across an article, for a woman who coincidentally used Nicole DeHoff, and she was a single mother by choice, and I messaged her on Facebook to find information out about the process. ( ) and I was blown away.

Single Mom By Choice? That is a thing? Wow.

I mean, I knew that sperm donors were a thing too, but I didn’t think people actually planned their families alone, but I suppose that makes sense.

I thought about it, and I wrote all my pros and cons down.

I have been a single mom for years on my own and don't desire a custody battle child support or court stuff or any of that nonsense.

I simply want to complete my family. I can feel my time clock ticking and don't want to be pregnant past 35 because I am already high risk and that would put me at super high risk.

I had so many questions. How do I even get started? Can you inseminate at home? Do you need IUI. ICSI. Or IVF. Do I need to do a consult with a fertility center or doctor? Or can this be done naturally by just choosing a donor online, shipping to home and be done with it? What are my options.

So, I looked around, and found a Facebook Group called Single Mothers By Choice, and quickly found there are several other woman like me.

I knew this was what I wanted to do. Whether or not I met the man of my dreams, but I suppose that would make dating hard. I just wanted to complete my family.

I knew I had some known obstacles to face.

I have PCOS. Which means I don't ovulate, and I don't respond to clomid or Femara. My son required gonal-f. But that was as far as my OBGYN was comfortable going
(my son is 16mos old and was conceived after a five-year infertility battle and giving up. I also have a nine-year-old but am looking to complete our family)

I also have endometriosis, adenomyosis and auto immune issues (Hashimotos Thyroid. Lupus. Addisons. Raynauds) and I have clotting issues/bleeding issues (carrier for hemophilia B and have factor V Leiden heterozygous and MTHFR a1298c heterozygous) I've had 11 losses total (a stillborn at 20 weeks who had HLHS and was the result of clots in the cord. 8 first trimester losses at 7-10 weeks. 2 second trimester losses at 14 weeks needing D&Cs)

I know I will require:
-Progesterone in Oil Injections
-Lovonox Injections
-Makena Injections
-Insulin (both my pregnancies needed this even though I only take Metformin and my A1C is 5.4 so normal)
-Gonal F (required to stim to release the eggs so I can ovulate. Typically used with Femara)
-Neupogen (improves egg quality and tissue qualify with my uterine lining typically is 0.20 mL daily from CD1 (day I started estrogen) until 12 weeks. This is because of my auto immune issues)

I should say I know what I am up against. I've had this battle with both my kids. I know the risks. I know what I'm up against. I understand finding a center to take me on may be difficult.

But the next step is finding a center that will help me out.