Today has been a busy day. Gabriella had an
evaluation with Crossroads for services today. They feel she does not have
Aspergers, but she does have ADHD, Oppositional Deficiance Disorder, Some
Sensory issues, and definitely some anxiety going on. They recommended she get
occupational therapy for her sensory issues, and counseling, as well as
case-management and respite care services. So I am glad to finally have two
people who agree, which means in Ohio, they do not feel she has Aspergers, but
she does have ADHD, and they believe she has ODD, Anxiety and there is
definitely some stuff going on up in her head that we need to get to the bottom
Gabriella lately has been drawing stick figures with her feelings on how
she is feeling, and trying to write the way she is feeling. I encourage her to
do this, so she can express herself. I got denied childcare from the state of
Ohio, which means in order to put her through Daycare; I would pay around $800
a month for services. Gabriella does not qualify for an IEP through Mentor
School District, AND she is very intelligent, so the idea of putting her in
head start, and paying for it, may work, but I feel that she is better suited
in 1st grade academically, and so they will be testing her over the
summer for early admission to 1st grade. The appointment at
crossroads was three hours long, and it went REALLY well.
I also had a Repeat
Beta HcG done today, and it is still not doubling as it should. This has been a
concern since day one. But the OBGYN said that it may be due to it taking 72
hours instead of 24-48 hours. The numbers were 860, which is up from 502 last
week, which is good. Not quite doubling, but definitely increasing, so that is
a good thing.
The nurse said that it is also good that I am getting cravings,
mood swings, acne, and the whole nine yards.
I got good news today as well, in that my job is making accommodations
for me to take the drug test on Wednesday morning which is good, so Drew is
planning on coming over Tuesday night to take me to my drug test on Wednesday.
I am excited to see him… but we will see what happens tomorrow. He has been
known to change his mind, or just decide that he doesn’t want to come over, but
lately, he’s been good on that. So who knows? Either way, thus far, this
pregnancy is going good, I suppose, and it’s definitely emotional.
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