Naturopathic Doctor Visit

So I saw my Naturopathic Doctor today for 2 hours. Let me just say it was truly nice to have some one sit there and be so patient and non judgmental. I really wish I had done this sooner!

It was also nice to have someone knowledgeable in clotting disorders and MTHFR, and agree with me on the NO FOLIC ACID. 

She is making some recommendations about small changes in diet and is going to review my 23andMe stuff that MTHFR support reviewed and make some changes with supplements and such. She is placing me on a 100% natural colloidal multi vitamin which has the l-methylfolate in it, and she is also going to be working on my detox issues, as well as the other things I addressed. 

She is starting small, with a few changes in diet and exercise, and she is going to target the chronic fatigue first and manage stress and then will tackle other issues and goal is to get me healthy again and feeling great. 

It is nice to know they work with you financially too. They offer a sliding scale fee, and so I qualified for 50% off, and so instead of paying $250 for an initial consult, they allowed me to pay $125, and then its obviously 50% off each visit in the future, which for me, would be $90.00, so 50% of 90.00 is $45.00. 

The supplement that I am going to be starting is called PureOne Multivitamin, and they even offer a 10% off of the cost every first Tuesday of the month which is nice. And they DO offer insurance, through Cigna and Harvard Pilgrim, but other than that, visits are out of pocket, but they work with you.

I am so glad I found this naturalpathic clinic! :) I wish I had sooner.


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