International Bereavement Day for Mothers...

Something no mother should have to go through.... ever...
Bereaving their child, that they lost...

This photo says it all, doesn't it?

As mothers, we never want to loose our children... 
And for those lost, we still think about them...
We still remain strong... 
We have experienced the unthinkable, and still able to walk...

International Bereaved Mothers Day was created to remind people about the true meaning of Mother’s Day. Do you know who started it? 

Anna Jarvis officially founded the traditional Mother’s Day to honor her mother who experienced the death of 7 of her children and somehow through the years it has turned into a commercialized mess that card companies make millions of dollars from, but the worst thing is that bereaved mothers are completely forgotten. 

This day was created in honor of a bereaved mother. So I think it is time to take our day back to its roots. I believe we can do this by using our voices in a peaceful, loving way. To receive love, you must first give love.

The traditional Mothers Day has proven to be an emotionally difficult day for so many mothers around the world. Mother’s Day needs to be healed and together we can heal it. Inter-nation Bereaved Mother’s Day is a temporary movement. 

We take part in this day to use our voices to speak up and about what the true meaning of Mother’s Day. It is our greatest hope that sometime in the near future all mothers will be remembered and recognized and there will be no need for this day at all.

On this day each year we come together to celebrate our connection, our babies and children and our hope for the future. We look at their ultrasound photos, polish their urns, lay flowers at their graves, visit special places and light candles in their memory.

Sunday May 5th 2013, get together with your closest friends and family who understand and celebrate you. Celebrate your babies and children. And lets speak about the true meaning of Mother’s Day.

Please do check out Project Heal by Carly Marie, she is amazing and an inspiration.


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