My Sweet Sweet Lucius,
a year old today. A whole 365 days. I just can't get over those words. I
start to cry every time I think about it, maybe because I don't want
you to grow up so fast but also because it's been such a rollercoaster
of a year.

had a gut feeling you were a boy from the beginning. There's just some
things that a Mama knows, and that was one of them for me. I didn't even need the MaterniT21 test, I knew you were my son.

Those first few days in the hospital were bliss, like
out of a dream, but I don't think I had really slept either, because I couldn't
stop looking at you. I couldn't believe you were actually here, and that
you were mine.
first few weeks (well months, if I'm being honest) were a blur looking
back now. They seemed to have lasted forever, but now I know they were
really just a blink. The days were long but the months were really

I think I cried some days because I was struggling so hard, but trying to hide it. I felt guilty for having such terrible postpartum depression and feeling alone.
I struggled with going back to work, which ultimately lead me to a fifteen month paid leave on short term disability, where I spent every moment I could with you.

It was hard in the beginning, because your daddy decided that we would be better off being coparents, instead of a family, and I just never envisioned my life that way.
I was so afraid of something happening to you, that I co-slept with you until you couldn't fit in your co-sleeper anymore, at around 6-9 months old, when you were moved into your own room. I will admit, I miss the co-sleeping and cuddling.

are the happiest boy Lucius, and You've already got such a big
personality. When you smile, your whole face smiles. I pray that you
always have that kind of contagious happiness in your spirit. It never
fails--when we're out in public, we're stopped by no less than 3 people
saying how beautiful or happy or precious you are. You're the center of
attention, and for good reason! And, my goodness, what a flirt you are!

I just can't believe we're celebrating you being ONE!
can promise you this from this day on:
I promise to treasure every second
from here on out. I promise to truly experience those moments. Even when
it's hard, and even when you're so fussy that I just want to scream.
Even on the hardest of days, I'm going to remember
every second, every emotion, every fear, and every joy.
every second, every emotion, every fear, and every joy.

I promise to never wish
a day with you away. You've taught me more in a year than I ever
imagined--you saved my life and gave me back a life that is truly
joy-filled and worth living.
is going to be a big celebration. I'll try not to cry too much, but if the tears come, I promise you, they're happy tears. You're one of the best things that
ever happened to me. You were something I never thought would ever happen. You gave me light back into my life, and a reason to hope again. You bring so much happiness and joy into my life, and to your sisters. God knew we needed you.
Thank you, Jesus, for this little
Happy first Birthday,Lucius-John Matthew Xavier Blau.
I Love to the moon and back, always and forever.
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