Alex's Test Results... Well, Some Atleast..

If your following this blog, you know that I had to have Alex get some testing done. His sperm count/semen analysis test didn't get enough fluid to analyze, so he has to re-do the test, and they will have the results by Saturday. *sigh* more impatient waiting to do... and you all know how I love patience...

Alex's doctor also tested him for Factor V and MTHFR and those test results came back today, and he has Compound MTHFR...

I have A1298C, which means that when he and I have children, they have a 75% chance of having A1298C, either Heterozygous, or Homozygous, since both parents have at least 1 copy of A1298C, and they have a 25-50% chance of having Compound Heterozygous MTHFR.

That means our pregnancie(s) are even more "high-risk" now because our risk of having a child that has down syndrome, or neural tube defects is a lot higher...

I don't know whether to be bothered by this, or not. They say a large amount of the population has these MTHFR mutations, and it certainly does explain the memory issues with Alex, and the grey balding ect. but its just one of those, you can never seem to win with genetic things...



:( oye! just one more thing! are the drs going to have you take a higher dose of folic acid to try to help prevent the neural tube defects? (i mean more then just what would be in a prenatal?) anything they can do to lessen the chance of downs?

April Marie Driesse

Sonya, I'm not too sure, sadly. I have been doing research on MTHFR and I know that MTHFR is BAD with pregnancies and often is to blame with pregnancy losses. With MTHFR, your body doesn't absorb folic acid the proper way. Metanx is a good drug that has the active form of folic acid, l-methylfolate, as well as the active forms of b6(Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate) and b12(Methylcobalamin). Metanx has 3mg of l-methylfolate, 35mg of Vitamin b6, and 2mg of b12, though I am not too sure what or how this will affect us via pregnancy. I am going to talk to all my specialists about this, and especially the consultation discuss how or what should be reccomended. Alex has the worst combination considered for MTHFR, which is compound, meaning he has 2 mutations of 2 separate MTHFR genes... I only have 1 mutation, but I have several clotting issues, so I am honestly not too sure :/

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