Thurs Dec 19th 2019.
I'm getting my IUD removed today... for a few reasons actually...
The first is that this IUD expires in March 2020, and we don't want to pay $400 to get it taken out, when we have our deductible met now.
The second is because I still get 25 day cycles of bleeding on it, so its not doing anything for my periods or pain management.
The third is so that Andrew and I can start trying for a family of our own.
The first is that this IUD expires in March 2020, and we don't want to pay $400 to get it taken out, when we have our deductible met now.
The second is because I still get 25 day cycles of bleeding on it, so its not doing anything for my periods or pain management.
The third is so that Andrew and I can start trying for a family of our own.

After seeing him last night with my best friends 2 month old, my heart melted into a big puddle of an emotional mess.
He was like 'I want to hold the baby' as she fell asleep on him and we were like awwww and I proceeded to melt. He does these adorable little things and every time I'm like Awww.
There's something about the man you love raising children that just makes your heart so overjoyed it melts. Seeing him as a dad with my two kids, and others Little's makes me fall harder for him every time. He's raising my two kids together with me, and co-parenting with their dads and he's just so perfect for me and us.

My heart is overjoyed and can't wait. I know the last time I went through this process it was a lot of heartbreak and alot of pain and a very long five years. So I'm nervous. But I'm feeling okay with this. I'm feeling okay because we have a plan and know what to expect as well as we possibly can. We did all the Preconception stuff before this appointment and so I feel like we have a good feel for this.
When I reminded Andrew that today was the day, he replied with 'I know. It just means that we can start trying and have more fun with it all' and he laughed.
I seriously love this man. He's so.... Perfect for me. He's perfect with Lucius and Gabby. I just adore him.
I'll update after my appointment with how things went.
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