A Boyfriend? :) (No Not an April Fools Joke!)

So, remember last time, I wrote, I was explaining I was going to give up? Well, I guess someone had other plans, because I met a guy 😉 This all actually happened a day after my last update.

His name is Andrew. Which is ironic because when I would pray about God giving me a good man, I would constantly hear Andrew. I would think the reason why I was hearing that was because John’s brother is named Andrew, and when I pray, I usually think of Carolyn. But… I guess this is why I kept hearing Andrew. At least, I hope.

Anyway, he is 28, and has a good job. He works as a machinist. He is really good with my kids. His birthday is my mom’s birthday, August 12th. And He treats me really good. 

So, here is the story:
On March 7th, 2019, I started talking to guy on OKCupid (or as we joke and call it, OK Stupid) and after nearly two days of hoping the app sent the other person our message, we decided to talk on Discord because, what gamer doesn't have discord ;)
We talked essentially nonstop for several hours over the next few days at which point, I informed him that I was going to be AFKish because of the Hemophilia B Symposium in Florida and scored his digits  at which point, we talked pretty much nonstop until I returned home. 

He would respond with silly things like "Potassium" for "k" and I would get his jokes and sense of humor and laugh. After much talking and laughter, on March 22, we shared our first date. 

We went to Max & Irma’s and then to see a movie. We saw Captain Marvel. Everything went wonderfully, despite how incredibly nervous I was, and I'll admit, I was a tad nervous to have him meet my kids, but everything else has worked out and is pretty much history. 

I love this adorable, handsome, nerdy, patient guy who just gets me. He can look at me, and just make me laugh. I'm happier than I have ever been, and I'm super-duper happy that I took another shot at OKC before giving up entirely, after having been single for 2 years. 

It was worth it, this taking a chance thing. And I'm honestly looking forward to many more months (and years hopefully) with this guy. Because he makes me that happy.
I mean, what other guy is going to sit, and watch “girly shows” over ice cream with me or wipe my tears when I cry.

As for being an SMBC, the option is still there. I feel it will always be there, but Andrew and I discussed kids, and we discussed I don’t want more than 4 kids, and it wasn’t responsible to have children this early in the relationship, and that I’d like to make it to a year and surpass living together and such before that happens.

We’re talking tentatively for August for him moving in, and so we shall see where life goes, but I DO still want 1 or 2 more kids. And I want it before I am 35.

So… goals
-         Graduate college with my Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with emphasis in security and forensics
-         Graduate from Lakeland with my IT Professional Cert
-         Graduate from Nextgen IT with my Full Stack Network Engineer Cert
-         Get my license!
-         Go back to work for Apple (I am currently on leave because I am focusing on the court, kids health, and all that nonsense)

But, I love this man right here, and he is worth it.



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