Hem/Onc Update - April 18 2017

Hematology/Oncology Update for April 18 2017: CBC, CMP, TSH, and a few other labs were drawn. These labs show:
1. I am fighting some kind of infection
2. I am severely iron deficient.
3. My steroids likely need adjusting if this keeps up because of the fact that my electrolytes are off. This could be potentially dangerous with my Addisons, will talk to Endocrinology about this.
4. She is watching the blood cell counts, because of my past history with chemo, radiation, bone marrow transplant, and leukemia, but she doesn't think that is the issue right now. She feels that the blood counts are all over because of the underlying deficiencies.
5. I am pregnant, so my body is under stress.
She wants me to:
- Get Colace 100mg, use it twice daily. Also get Sennakot S, 2 tabs at bedtime (this is safer than a whole bottle of miralax, but she said she understands why I did that after not shitting for a month)
- Stop the Ferrous Sulfate 325 twice a day. Changing me to Iron Polysacharides. Gentler on the stomach. 150mg, twice a day. She wants me to continue the IV Iron Infusions.
- Recheck Labs, do a CBC Differential, and Comp Metabolic, on 5/1 and 5/15
- Stay on my Lovonox twice a day. Hold the dose on June 7th and 8th, and restart after delivery for 6 weeks.
And follow up in 3 months, post partum.
She mentioned I will likely need to continue iron treatment, because breastfeeding depletes iron in the body. So I am going to have to do that, and continue that. She also said that she wants to refer to GI postpartum to get a colonoscopy done, and deal with the hemorrhoid issues, and bleeding in that area since mine are prolapsed


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