The worse thing you can do to someone who suffers with infertility is rub in their face that you're pregnant. As if it didn't sting already and you try to pretend you're happy, but then by going around and going "HAHA I'M PREGNANT" to someone who suffers infertility, it hurts. Even more so when you know for a fact the person in question who is pregnant can't provide for their own child without cash assistance or some sort of welfare. They don't have a job, and don't have stable income.
Someone with infertility should NEVER be subjected to hearing those who are deliberately rubbing in their pregnancy to them. Especially someone who knows full well the infertility trials and tribulations that are suffered. Someone with infertility could be prone to tell you where to go when you rub something like that in their face.

Something so easy for us, is so hard... and life isn't fair... but the WORSE thing you can do to someone suffering infertility is rub it in their face. That is the WORST pain that anyone can go through...
You may be wondering why I'm ranting about something that is so much common sense to a normal person who is caring and understanding...
Last night, My Ex, The father to my daughter, and his girlfriend/fiancee/wife whatever she is, decided to tell me they were expecting a child, in the meanest way possible.
Now, naturally, I'd brush it off, as I'm used to the pain already, but when you come to me, and go "Guess what" and then I go "what" and then you go "HAHA IM PREGNANT" and expect me to clap with happiness for you, no... sorry, that just isn't going to happen...

Now, I'm not jealous, but I do know that a woman with infertility should NEVER have to go through that. And No, save me from further hurt while I tell you, I don't want to hear more details...
How can I be happy for someone who doesn't even provide for their own child? Someone who has no job? Someone who is on welfare? How can I be happy for someone who is selfish and condescending? How can I put my emotions aside and be happy?
Simple. I CAN'T. I WON'T.
I thought I was over this feeling saddened and sorry for myself stage, because my body can't do the one thing I want it to do... Really, I did... but then that happened, and it triggered a whole set of emotions that bothered me...

See, there is this thing called etiquette.... and if you had any ounce of respect, you'd know that a HUGE no-no to someone suffering infertility, is to rub in their face that you got pregnant without trying...
Look around the internet, and you'll find loads and loads of things not to say to someone who suffers infertility... how about you read on them, before you come back and rub something like that in someone's face...
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