2 Week Waiting Period

I am in what TTCers call the "2 week waiting period"

It is believed that I ovulated somewhere between CD20 and CD21 based on tempuratures.

I got my blood test results back and the only thing that seems to be missing is Insulin.

Testosterone was 0.24
HydroxyProgesterone was <40
DHEAS was 81
Androstenedione was 109
Glucose was 84
BUN was 10
Creatinine was 0.66
Sodium was 139
Potassium was 3.9
Chloride was 105
CO2 was 27
Anion Gap was 7
Calcium was 9.5
Estimated GFR was >60
Prolactin was 10.6
TSH was 3.40
Free T4 was 1.06
Thyroid Peroxidose Antibody was 15
LH was 10.6
FSH was 5.4
Progesterone was 0.34
SHBG was 14
Beta HCG was 5

I am trying to not get my hopes up. Fertility Friend says that I am due for Aunt Flow to pay a visit on the 31st. I have not been feeling any pregnancy signs, or any symptoms of PMS. With Gabriella, I did not feel any pregnancy symptoms either. 14 days past ovulation will be on the 3rd of August 2012.
I am going to wait until than to test because I don't want to test too soon. I will only test if aunt flow does not come and I miss my period.


This is what my chart looks like for 2 cycles. This is for June and July.

My First Cycle was kind of long after the removal of my birth control. 

It was From April 13th to June 1st. Cycle Days were a total of 49 days. I did not chart during these days.

My Second Cycle was June 1st to July 1st, and was 29 Cycle Days. June was also my first month on Metformin and Fertibella. 

My Third Cycle was July 2ed - July 5th. 

I have my second endocrinology appointment on the 1st of August and we are going to be discussing all of these things. Wish me luck!

*baby dust* to all!


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