You remember how last time I blogged, I wrote about how I was looking forward to staying busy during the two-week wait, but how I also wasn't feeling super optimistic?
Theres a reason for that. Reasons like today. When Aunt Flow decides to come into town by herself, riding on that horse, EARLY and without the need for provera, and when I was least expecting it.
My fiancee and I were being intimate, and well, what do you know. Aunt Flow decided it was a perfect time to visit.
Nothing about this journey DOESNT suck.
But, month after month, treatment after treatment. Hope after hope
And you get crushed again.
Because today is Day 1, I have to call RGI and let them know, so that they can schedule labs, confirm I am not pregnant, and give me another script for Femara to *hopefully* get pregnant.
We shall see.
But until then, I REALLY RELATE to this image.
Mr. Spermies are even like WTF!