Genetecist Appt - 1/29/2017

Today, I met with the geneticist. We had a very lengthy discussion about my medical history and she said an amniocentesis was not needed because there was no specific genes to target. She did however want me to get a blood draw for Hemophilia B since I am a carrier and it is important to know before birth if baby will have this as well as it affects males and females different due to the X chromosome. I figured I would post photos of that discussion, since it is a lot easier than explaining.

Sorry if these are not easy to read; They are screen shots of the original MyChart report. Anyway, ultimately, there will be a lot of testing ran by specialists after he is born to see if he has any of these clotting issues, or if he has IgG deficiency like his father since that cannot be determined in utero.

Anatomy Ultrasound & MaterniT21 Results - 1/19/2017

I got the MaterniT21 results back; Baby does not have Downs Syndrome, Turner Syndrome or Patau Syndrome, Yay. This makes me very happy and I feel I can breathe a little bit :)

We found out the gender of our baby, as well, from the MaterniT21, which was on December 19th, but we are not announcing the babies gender until 20-24 weeks, with a gender reveal photo-shoot.

I met with Dr. Rajabi today and had my anatomy ultrasound to check on babies organs. Everything looked normal, but baby was being stubborn again, and so I have to go back in two weeks for additional ultrasound images.

Here are today's images 

Belly Progression - 14 to 17 Weeks

14 weeks 

Time is flying. I am 15 weeks 2 days today. 
I bet by 20 weeks, I am huge like I was with Gabby haha. The interesting thing is, I dont gain with any pregnancy. I lose. I am down to 233.2 today. Thats over 20lbs lost and I aint even trying haha. It just means after the baby is born, my goal of 190 is more realistic. Its crazy to think about though because I struggled to lose weight before pregnancy and now its just falling off haha.

I wish my belly would round out 
I hate having this B shaped belly...
Anyway.... 16 weeks.

17 weeks today. Almost halfway there.
Still havent felt baby move yet. 
3 weeks to 1 month for Gender Reveal.
3 weeks to 1 month for Anatomy Scan
3 weeks to 1 month for Fetal Echo
3 weeks until 20 weeks. The halfway mark.
Lots to do in the next month.
Oh yeah... And I got lots of stretch marks appearing haha. I dont really know how that makes me feel. It still seems so unreal to me.... Almost like I am dreaming.
I wonder if my B belly will ever go away lol.
Oh yeah... I am 230.2lbs. Which means I have lost 25lbs roughly. Hopefully I can keep it off lol.