So... today, I saw one of the MFM Docs at Hillcrest. The guy I saw is Dr. Rajabi. It was my initial MFM consult; This doctor I didn't really like/agree with, but I tolerated. He tried to fight me on getting a MaterniT21 Plus test, and said it was for 35 and older, and I quickly told him he was wrong, and I would gladly pay out of pocket for the test that tests for trisomies, as well as the sex chromosomes due to my high risk. He scheduled my nuchal translucency scan, and he put a referral into genetics. I will ask again at my next appointment for the MaterniT21 test, because I feel it is better to be safe than sorry with my medical history. Here is the plan thus far for management of my high risk pregnancy. Keeping in mind, this can change as I progress and if other complications come up (which hopefully none do).
Announcing the News To My Mother, Nana and Stepfather
When one becomes pregnant after everything I've gone through, you often think of creative ways to announce you're pregnant to everyone. I figured I was going down to Florida for Thanksgiving, and that if I had shown up with a baby the following year, that my mother and grandmother would be very confused, so I had to think of a creative way to tell her.
I knew my mother liked crossword puzzles, and so I created a crossword puzzle for her to fill in, and then got her a box with baby shoes in it. Here is a photo of both:
Grandma and Grandpa:
Please keep these booties safe
I will need them back in June!
Please keep these booties safe
I will need them back in June!
What?? You're really pregnant? I'm gonna be a grandmother again?
Ma Look...
Franky Guess what? you're gonna be a papa again!
Franky Guess what? you're gonna be a papa again!
(Side Note: I wish I would have video taped her reaction but photos are just as awesome)
Dating Ultrasound
Today, I had my dating ultrasound which, surprise surprise, a woman with my issues DOES actually know their conception date, even though the doctors thought I was crazy, and it matched my date of conception.
They said because of my history and having PCOS, that they just needed one on file to be 100% sure that my due date was June 15th, especially with needing to be induced. I thought "OK, that makes sense" and went along with it, because I wanted to see my baby again.
It turns out, when you only see your boyfriend once or twice a month, and know EXACTLY when you did the deed as a result, that even doctors don't believe you, so they have to confirm the dates matched.
Of course, the dates did match, and I was given the due date of June 15th 2017, but there was talk of induction at 38 or 39 weeks pregnancy, and will see how things continue to progress before we get there.
Anyway, here is photos from today's ultrasound :)
Not the best photos, I'll admit, but it was my baby developing nonetheless, at 8 weeks 6 days.
The ultrasound report; I admit, I was very giddy to see the word "viable" put there :)
My next appt is on 11/22 to see MFM, a doctor named Dr. Rajabi. I'll be sure to update :)
First OB Appt
Today, I had my very first prenatal appointment with a wonderful OB named Dr. Yoder Katsuki. She was the OB my high risk GYN recommended. She went down my list of health conditions, and my medications and told me what to start taking and what to not stop taking. She than scheduled the dating ultrasound, and referred to MFM. She and MFM would co-manage me. We also got to see baby peanut today for the first time. I cried! Cannot wait for my dating ultrasound!

A closer look at baby, at 6 weeks; This ultrasound photo was very emotional for me to take, because last year on 11/4/2015; we were told we were miscarrying our son, Avery Matthew, and there were no fetal poles, and the sac hadn't increased and there was no heartbeat. This ultrasound overjoyed me, but filled me with emotions, because not only was there a teeny tiny baby there, but you could see electrical activity, which would develop into a forming heartbeat in the coming weeks. It was re-assuring, that baby was here to stay. It was also discouraging slightly, because babies CRL measured 6 weeks and 1 day, when baby should have been 7 weeks and 4 days, but my OB told me that at this early, its hard to tell, and they would order another ultrasound for proper dating.
Lovonox Injections....
Today... I started my Lovonox Injections, of 40mg in the AM and 40mg in the PM; These prevent me from clotting early on, and keep the baby in utero, and prevent early losses. I also was started on Progesterone in Oil Injections again, which would do the job of the placenta until it could take over. Many woman with PCOS have low progesterone levels, and so when they become pregnant, their body cannot hold the baby and continue to have it develop, so they have early miscarriages; This is one of the pieces of what kept happening to me.

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