I got this in my e-mail today, and I am excited, happy, and nervous.
Dear April,
Thank you for choosing us as your health care provider. A great deal of work has now been done by our team to ensure that your surgery will be performed without any unexpected administrative inconveniences or surprises.
Your surgery has been scheduled at the Northside Hospital 3rd Floor Surgery on Wednesday August 12th 2015 at 7:15am. Please arrive no less than 2 hours prior to your scheduled surgery time 5:30am. Their telephone number is 404-851 8000.
Thank you for choosing us as your health care provider. A great deal of work has now been done by our team to ensure that your surgery will be performed without any unexpected administrative inconveniences or surprises.
Your surgery has been scheduled at the Northside Hospital 3rd Floor Surgery on Wednesday August 12th 2015 at 7:15am. Please arrive no less than 2 hours prior to your scheduled surgery time 5:30am. Their telephone number is 404-851 8000.
Before your surgery you will need to see Dr. Sinervo for your preop appointment at his office on Tuesday August 11th @1:30pm. You will be signing your consent forms and discussing your procedure with Dr. Sinervo. Please jot down any questions you may have so you can discuss them with him at this time. Following this, you will meet with Anesthesia AT Northside Hospital, at 3:00pm. You will need to provide us clearances from your Endocrinologist, and Hematologist.
We have been in contact with your insurance carrier and have been given the following benefit information. You can expect them to pay 70% of usual and customary fees after you have met your annual deductible of $600.00. This means that you will be responsible for the remaining balance of 30% and any deductibles which have not been met to date until you have satified your out-of-pocket limit of $4000.00.
We have been in contact with your insurance carrier and have been given the following benefit information. You can expect them to pay 70% of usual and customary fees after you have met your annual deductible of $600.00. This means that you will be responsible for the remaining balance of 30% and any deductibles which have not been met to date until you have satified your out-of-pocket limit of $4000.00.
You will be expected to pay $500.00 at the time of your pre-op visit, pluse your deposit of $500.00 will equal $1000.00.
(Yes this means I will be paying $1000 out of pocket! Not including Hotel and Travel!)
If you have any questions please call me 770-913-0001.
Unfortunately, we will be required to cancel your surgery if you do not (1) send in the $500.00 surgery deposit to secure your surgery date at least 21 days in advanced, (2) follow through and bring your payment at the time of your pre-op appointment once these arrangements have been made & agreed upon.
I have included a list of medications to avoid taking two weeks prior to surgery. If you are currently taking any of these medications, please let me know so I can review them with Dr. Sinervo
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the above listed number. Since the majority of our patients reside out-of-state and will probably not get to see Dr. Sinervo after surgery, it would be to your advantage to bring a small tape recorder with you so that your family member can tape the postop conversation with Dr. Sinervo explaining your surgical procedure.
So that we can keep your preop appointment as efficient as possible and avoid any additional waiting time, I am enclosing a packet of forms for you to complete and bring back with you to the preop visit.
Jean Williams
So that we can keep your preop appointment as efficient as possible and avoid any additional waiting time, I am enclosing a packet of forms for you to complete and bring back with you to the preop visit.
Jean Williams
Surgical Care Coordinator