Unbearable Pain During My Periods...

I know... I know...
I know I said I was going on a hiatus...
and I still sort of am on a hiatus...
But I need somewhere to vent...
I'm sick of living my life in pain, and sick of being in pain all the time...

You know that feeling inside where you know that something else has to be going on?
Thats what I felt like for many years.
I've gone through so many doctors over the years who have basically blamed all my losses on my PCOS and my Hormonal Imbalances...
I felt there had to be something else going on...
PCOS Surely wasn't the only thing that was fitting my symptoms? Especially when it was being treated?

When I moved to Ohio, the first thing I did was establish care through Cleveland Clinic...
and I admit, I have a wonderful team of healthcare professionals.
I have a team of some of the best healthcare providers in the world, and I am blessed truly for that.
No more fighting with doctors to listen...
Just a wonderful team of healthcare doctors who listen and treat...
And some of the best in the world might I just state...

My OB/GYN Rocks. Her name is Colleen Raymond.
She listens to my concerns and treats me for whatever occurs.

I went to her and told her that I was in a lot of pain and I didn't think it was PCOS Related. She agreed.
I told her that I thought I might have Endometriosis, and that a few people in a support group on facebook suggested I might get checked for this and I wanted to see a specialist to determine if I did.
She referred me to a doctor named Julie Tan, but the waiting list is long... 
So now we wait... We wait to find out what is causing me so much pain....