and then, I decided that in order to move on, I needed to start dating...
and my counselor agreed....
So I created a profile on OK Cupid... and decided to see what happens...
I started talking to this guy named Drew...
He and I had a lot in common, and so we decided to go on a few dates...
and then, I ended up getting terribly ill and needing to go to the ER...
That day, he drove over to my house (he lives an hour away) and picked me up and took me to the ER
It turns out that I had a stomach bug of some kind... and because of my Addison's Disease, I ended up in an Addisons Crisis...

Later that night, Drew and I ended up making things official... we decided to become boyfriend and girlfriend...
Things were going pretty good through the month of December...
We decided to spend Christmas together, and decided to spend New Years together as well.
So... I went into the New Year with a Kiss from Drew. He had came over December 31st, so we would be able to kiss into the new year.
January 2ed, I had a doctor’s appointment to get my medications. I
remember it was snowing that day. Drew drove me to Cleveland Clinic
Willoughby. I had gotten my medications for my Auto-Immune Addison’s,
and I had also gotten a Pneumonia Vaccine and TDaP, and so I was a bit
On the way back, we had been going down 306
(Reynolds) and we had come to a stop, but slid because of the fresh
snow, into the person in front of us, who was parked in an actual road
area, outside a school. Drew's car took damage in the front bumper and
the door. I remember how pissed he was because he got a ticket and the
other guy did not. That taught me a valuable lesson about driving in
We got back home to my house, and I made dinner, and
we showered together, and he was telling me about how he didn't have
his high school diploma. I remember we got onto that topic because we
had been talking about my high school prom. Drew told me the story about
his brother trying to commit suicide, and how they both dropped out,
and he got his GED instead. I remember Drew got out of the shower first.
Drew had then gotten on Skype to talk to his brother. I got out of the shower, sat in my computer chair, to game, and I was shivering. I was like "Why am I so cold? It’s not cold in my house" and then took my temperature and it was 104.5 and I told Drew I needed to lay down because I felt like my head was going to explode. He had said his brother and his family had disagreed with our relationship and backed him into a corner. He had expected me to be there for him, but because I was so sick, I could not.
I remember getting into fetal
position, breathing heavy, and passing in and out of consciousness. I
got up at one point and went to the freezer to place my head in it,
desperately trying to get colder, because I was literally heating up
alive, internally. The next morning he tried to leave, and I told him
that I needed to go to the ER, so he stayed and watched Gabriella. The
doctor told me that I was extremely dehydrated and this was a reaction
to the vaccine.
I got back to my house late, Drew was
passed out, and I woke him. Gabby was sleeping. I asked him if we were
okay, and he said "I don't know. I need to go home tomorrow" and that
was it. We didn't talk, speak a word, or anything. The next morning, he
packed his bags and left, and I told him "If you walk out that door, you
won't come back" and he left. As he left hastily, he left his insurance
card. I didn't realize it until a few days later when I was cleaning.
So I texted him and asked him if he wanted me to mail his insurance card or throw it away, and he told me to throw it away, and so I did, and that was the end of the conversation...
We really were not talking much, because he was upset and so was I...
So I don't really know what is going to happen from here, because things were going so well, and now theyre not, and I am just one big emotional mess....